Interpreter built-in functions¶
This API page describes built-in functions defined on Interpreter level.
Operators underneath the Scolvo script are implemented as builtin functions to provide the flexibility of operator overloading with easy setup. The operator references are resolved into function declaration nodes while parsing the tree.
Assignment operator¶
This is the basic assignment operator. Assignment takes a left value that represent a variable reference and any expression as right side. The following operators are currently supported:
Function syntax:
variable = expression
variable += expression
variable -= expression
variable *= expression
variable /= expression
variable %= expression
variable &= expression
variable |= expression
1// simple assignment
2var number = 11;
4// interpreted as variable = variable + expression
5number += 1;
7// interpreted as variable = variable - expression
8number -= 3;
10// interpreted as variable = variable * expression
11number *= 4;
13// interpreted as variable = variable / expression
14number /= 2;
16// interpreted as variable = variable % expression
17number %=10;
19// interpreted as variable = variable && expression
20number &= 100;
22// interpreted as variable = variable || expression
23number |= 100;
Division operator¶
The simple division (/) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var number = 11;
2var other = number / 2;
Equals operator¶
The simple equals (==) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var number = 11;
2if (number == 11) {
3 info("Equals 11.");
GreaterOrEquals operator¶
The simple greater or equals (>=) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var number = 11;
2if (number >= 0) {
3 info("It is a positive number.");
GreaterThan operator¶
The simple greater than (>) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var number = 11;
2if (number > -1) {
3 info("It is a non-negative number.");
LessOrEquals operator¶
The simple less or equals (<=) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var roomTemperatureLimit = 26;
2if (actualTemperature <= roomTemperatureLimit) {
3 info("The air temperature is fine.");
LessThan operator¶
The simple less (<) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var boilingTemperature = 100;
2if (waterTemperature < boilingTemperature) {
3 info("It is still liquid.");
Logical operators¶
The simple logical or and and (|| and && respectively) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1if ((liquidType == "WATER" && liquidTemperature < 100 && liquidTemperature > 0)
2 || (liquidType == "ANTIFREEZE_LIQUID" && liquidTemperature < 129 && liquidTemperature > -37)) {
3 info("It is still liquid.");
Minus operator¶
The simple subtract (-) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var number = 10;
2var remaining = number - 2;
Modulus operator¶
The simple modulus (%) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var amount = 100;
2var numOfEmployees = 3;
3var remaining = amount % numOfEmployees;
Multiplication operator¶
The simple multiplication (*) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var wishAttemptsForOnePerson = 3;
2var numOfEmployees = 3;
3var sumOfWishes = wishAttemptsForOnePerson * numOfEmployees;
Plus operator¶
The simple addition (+) operator implemented to be fully compatible with it’s definition in most programming and mathematical contexts.
1var limit = 300;
2var punctuationDelta = 4;
4if (actualPoints > limit + delta) {
5 info("It is OK.");
Operator precedence¶
Here’s the complete table of operator precedence, that is the exact copy of how Java implements it.
String functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of String related built-in functions.
This function returns the formatted String of the given number according to the given decimal format string.
Function syntax
String decimalFormat(number, formatString)
1var number = java.lang.Integer("10");
2var str = decimalFormat(number, "##");
This function checks if the given number Sting is a number or not.
Function syntax
Boolean isNumber(numberString)
Boolean isNumber(numberString, decimalSeparator, groupingSeparator)
where the numberString is given as String and if the the decimal and grouping separators are used, then these should be given as Strings too.
1var resultInt = isNumber("20");
2var resultDecimal = isNumber("30.5");
3var resultDecimalWithSymbols = isNumber("40 000,5", ",", " ");
This function converts the given String to number (according to the optionally given format parameters).
Function syntax
Number parseNumber(numberString)
Number parseNumber(numberString, decimalSeparator, groupingSeparator)
where the numberString is given as String and if the the decimal and grouping separators are used, then these should be given as Strings too.
1var resultInt = parseNumber("20");
2var resultDecimal = parseNumber("30.5");
3var resultDecimalWithSymbols = parseNumber("40 000,5", ",", " ");
This function takes the given format pattern String and combines with the given format data parameter.
Function syntax
String stringFormat(formatPattern, formatData)
String stringFormat(formatPattern, formatDataList)
where the formatPattern is given as String and the formatData is given as String, formatDataList list is consists of Strings too.
1var stringFormatPattern = "Hello %s!";
2var stringFormatData = "World";
3var formattedString = stringFormat(stringFormatPattern, stringFormatData);
5var stringFormatPattern = "Hello %s, Bye %s!";
6var stringFormatFirstData = "World";
7var stringFormatSecondData = "Bye";
8var formattedString = stringFormat(stringFormatPattern, [stringFormatFirstData, stringFormatSecondData]);
Date functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of Date related built-in functions.
This function returns the system date-time in java.util.Date format.
Function syntax
Date now()
1var actualDateTime = now();
This function returns the system timestamp in java.util.Long format.
Function syntax
Long nowInMillis()
1var timestamp = nowInMillis();
This function transforms the given date or timestamp according to the given format and returns as String. The format string is as described in Java API SimpleDateFormat documentation.
Function syntax
String dateToString(Date or timestamp, “format string”)
1info("The actual date-time in Hungarian format is: " + dateToString(nowInMillis(), "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm"));
This function transforms the given date string according to the given format and returns as java.util.Date. The format string is as described in Java API SimpleDateFormat documentation.
Function syntax
Date parseStringToDate(“Date in string format”, “format string”)
1var meetingDateString = "2021.04.01 10:10";
2var meetingDate = parseStringToDate(meetingDateString, "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
This function checks the two Date or timestamp parameters: it tests if the first date is before the date defined by the second parameter. The result is returned in form of Boolean.
Function syntax
Boolean dateBefore(Date or timestamp as first parameter, Date or timestamp as second parameter)
1if (dateBefore(parseStringToDate("2021.04.01 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm"), now()) {
2 info("You can do whatever you want, you still have time until the meeting.");
3} else {
4 info("Meeting time!");
This function checks the two Date or timestamp parameters: it tests if the first date is after the date defined by the second parameter. The result is returned in form of Boolean.
Function syntax
Boolean dateAfter(Date or timestamp as first parameter, Date or timestamp as second parameter)
1if (dateAfter(parseStringToDate("2021.04.01 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm"), now()) {
2 info("The meeting is ongoing.");
3} else {
4 info("Prepare for the meeting, you still have time!");
This function checks the two Date or timestamp parameters: it tests if they are the same, where the comparison is according to the unit parameter. The result is returned in form of Boolean.
Value |
Comparison |
year |
true if the year values of the two dates are equal |
month |
true if the year and month values of the two dates are equal |
week |
true if the week of year and year values of the two dates are equal |
day |
true if day of year and year values of the two dates are equal |
hour |
true if hour of day, day of year and year values of the two dates are equal |
minute |
true if minute, hour of day,day of year and year values of the two dates are equal |
seconds |
true if seconds, minute, hour of day, day of year and year values of the two dates are equal |
Function syntax
Boolean dateSame(Date or timestamp as first parameter, Date or timestamp as second parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2if (dateSame(baseDate, now(), "week")) {
3 info("Prepare for the meeting, it is this week!");
4} else {
5 info("You don't have to prepare for the meeiting, it isn't this week.");
This function calculates the differentce of the two Date or timestamp parameters according to the unit parameter and retuns the absolute value as Integer.
Value |
Comparison |
year |
returns the absolute value of the difference of the year values of the two dates |
month |
returns the absolute value of the difference of the month values of the two dates considering the years too (2020.12 and 2019.11 results 13) |
week |
returns the absolute value of the difference of the two dates in days and converted to weeks |
day |
returns the absolute value of the difference of the two dates in days |
hour |
returns the absolute value of the difference of the two dates in hours |
minute |
returns the absolute value of the difference of the two dates in minutes |
seconds |
true if seconds, minute, hour of day, day of year and year values of the two dates are equal |
Function syntax
Integer dateDifference(Date or timestamp as first parameter, Date or timestamp as second parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2if (dateDifference(baseDate, now(), "week") == 0) {
3 info("Prepare for the meeting, it is this week!");
4} else {
5 info("You don't have to prepare for the meeiting, it isn't this week.");
This function adds the given amount (can be any integer) of the given unit to the Date or timestamp parameter and returns it as java.util.Date.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
adds desired times 1 year to the base date |
month |
adds desired times 1 month to the base date |
week |
adds desired times 1 week to the base date |
day |
adds desired times 1 day to the base date |
hour |
adds desired times 1 hour to the base date |
minute |
adds desired times 1 minute to the base date |
seconds |
adds desired times 1 second to the base date |
Function syntax
Date dateAdd(Date or timestamp as first parameter, amount as Integer, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2info("You have to start meeting preparation at " + dateAdd(baseDate, -7, "day"));
This function subtracts the given amount (can be any integer) of the given unit from the Date or timestamp parameter and returns it as java.util.Date.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
substracts desired times 1 year to the base date |
month |
substracts desired times 1 month to the base date |
week |
substracts desired times 1 week to the base date |
day |
substracts desired times 1 day to the base date |
hour |
substracts desired times 1 hour to the base date |
minute |
substracts desired times 1 minute to the base date |
seconds |
substracts desired times 1 second to the base date |
Function syntax
Date dateSubtract(Date or timestamp as first parameter, amount as Integer, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2info("You have to start meeting preparation at " + dateSubtract(baseDate, 7, "day"));
This function return the first day calculated based on the given Date or timestamp and on the given unit, and returns the result in form of java.util.Date.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
returns the first day of the year based on the parameter (at time 00:00:00) |
month |
returns the first day of the month based on the parameter (at time 00:00:00) |
week |
returns the first day of the week based on the parameter (at time 00:00:00) |
Function syntax
Date firstDay(Date or timestamp as first parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2if (dateAfter(now(), firstDay(baseDate, "week"))) {
3 info("You have to start meeting preparation, it is this week.");
This function return the last day calculated based on the given Date or timestamp and on the given unit, and returns the result in form of java.util.Date.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
returns the last day of the year based on the parameter (at time 00:00:00) |
month |
returns the last day of the month based on the parameter (at time 00:00:00) |
week |
returns the last day of the week based on the parameter (at time 00:00:00) |
Function syntax
Date lastDay(Date or timestamp as first parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2if (dateAfter(now(), lastDay(dateSubtract(baseDate, 1, "week"), "week"))) {
3 info("You have to start meeting preparation, it is this week.");
This function returns the week number calculated based on the given Date or timestamp and on the given unit, and returns the result as Integer.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
returns the week of year of the given date |
month |
returns the week of month of the given date |
Function syntax
Integer weekOfDate(Date or timestamp as first parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2info("The meeting is on " + weekOfDate(baseDate, "year") + "th week.");
This function returns the day number calculated based on the given Date or timestamp and on the given unit, and returns the result as Integer.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
returns the day of year of the given date |
month |
returns the day of month of the given date |
week |
returns the day of week of the given date (Sunday is 0) |
Function syntax
Integer dayOfDate(Date or timestamp as first parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2info("The meeting is on " + dayOfDate(baseDate, "week") + "th day of the week.");
This function returns the part of the given Date or timestamp based on the given unit, and returns the result as Integer.
Value |
Calculation |
year |
returns the year of the given date |
month |
returns the month of the given date (January results 1) |
day |
returns the day of the month of the given date |
hour |
returns the hour of the given date |
minute |
returns the minute of the given date |
second |
returns the second of the given date |
millisecond |
returns the millisecond of the given date |
Function syntax
Integer partOfDate(Date or timestamp as first parameter, unit paramer as String)
1var baseDate = parseStringToDate("2021.04.28 10:10", "yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm");
2info("The meeting starts at " + partOfDate(baseDate, "hour") + ":" + partOfDate(baseDate, "minute") + ".");
Util functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of utility built-in functions.
This function returns a new random generated Type 4 UUID in form of String.
Function syntax
Date uuid()
1var id = uuid();
This function returns the received array as List of boxed types.
Function syntax
List<appropriate boxed type> toList(any-type-of-array)
1var myBites = toList("one two three".getBytes());;
This function sends a data change to the Backend, where the first parameter defines the TypeDefinition (table name) and the second parameter defines the change set in form of array of maps.
Function syntax
void sendDataChange(type definition name, change set)
1var changeSet = [{"changeType":"INSERT", "id":"12345", "other_key": "other value"}];
2sendDataChange("myTypeDefinitionName", changeSet);
Type Definition Extension functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of Type Definition Extension built-in functions. These functions are helper functions to execute database change sets in the client’s database.
The change set parameter may contain “changeType” key defining the type of the change, but in the below functions the value of this key is not considered (simply skipped).
This function executes the change set on the client’s database, if the given id exists, then an UPDATE operation, otherwise an INSERT operation with the given data is executed on the TypeDefinition (table name).
Function syntax
void insertOrReplaceTypeDefinition(type definition name, change set)
1var changeSet = {"changeType":"INSERT", "id":"12345", "other_key": "other value"};
2insertOrReplaceTypeDefinition("myTypeDefinitionName", changeSet);
This function executes an INSERT operation with the given data on the client’s database on the TypeDefinition (table name).
Function syntax
void insertTypeDefinition(type definition name, change set)
1var changeSet = {"changeType":"INSERT", "id":"12345", "other_key": "other value"};
2insertTypeDefinition("myTypeDefinitionName", changeSet);
This function executes an UPDATE operation with the given data on the client’s database on the TypeDefinition (table name).
Function syntax
void updateTypeDefinition(type definition name, record id as String, change set)
1var changeSet = {"changeType":"UPDATE", "other_key": "other value"};
2updateTypeDefinition("myTypeDefinitionName", "12345", changeSet);
This function executes a DELETE operation with the given id on the client’s database on the TypeDefinition (table name).
Function syntax
void deleteTypeDefinition(type definition name, record id as String)
1deleteTypeDefinition("myTypeDefinitionName", "12345");
Builder functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of Builder built-in functions. These functions are helper functions to create event objects manipulating the UI elements. There are two major groups: Target Events modifying the UI elements and Source Events binding listeners to reactive UI elements. Beside these there is a small gorup with functions helping in UI definition. The created event objects are executed using fireEvent(event object, originId as String) built-in function, where the originId parameter is usually the name of the container page. The originId for Traget Events can be any string if the event is created for elements of same page, must be the name of the other page when the targeted item is on different page. The originId for Source Events can be any string.
This function is a base function for the Target Event group, for customization purposes it is available as built-in function too. It creates a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> from the given parameters.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createTargetEvent(target element id as String, target event type as String, event data in form of Object)
1var newItem = {
2 "id": "1234",
3 "title": "My new note title",
4 "description": "To have an example item"
6var event = createTargetEvent("NoteList", "onAddItem", newItem);
7fireEvent(event, "NotesPage");
This function is a base function for the Source Event group, for customization purposes it is available as built-in function too. It creates a Source Event object in form of Map<String, Object> from the given parameters. The trigger name parameter is extended by the Interpreter with the “on” prefix, so in the given example a function with name onAddNoteButtonClicked(originId) has to be written.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createSourceEvent(source element id as String, source event type as String, trigger name as String)
1fireEvent(createSourceEvent("AddNoteButton", "onClick", "AddNoteButtonClicked"), "NotesPage");
This function is a helper function to create a drop-down list option. It creates an Option object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createSelectOption(id of selected item as String, value describing the option as String, is default option as boolean)
1var options = [
2 createSelectOption("yes", DICTIONARY.yes, true),
3 createSelectOption("no",, false),
4 createSelectOption("maybe", DICTIONARY.maybe, false)
This function is a helper function to create a multi-selectable drop-down list option. It creates an Option object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createMultiSelectOption(id of selected item as String, value describing the option as String, isChecked boolean value)
1var acceptableFruitOptions = [
2 createMultiSelectOption("apple",, true),
3 createMultiSelectOption("pear", DICTIONARY.pear, false),
4 createMultiSelectOption("lemon", DICTIONARY.lemon, false),
5 createMultiSelectOption("melon", DICTIONARY.melon, true),
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then a toast notification is diplayed on the UI for a short time period (the value is defined by the client type, it is 3 seconds for webapp type).
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createShortToastNotificationTargetEvent(message to be presented as String)
1fireEvent(createShortToastNotificationTargetEvent("My message content"), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then a new item is added the UI element.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createAddItemTargetEvent(target element id as String, new item in form of Map<String, Object>)
1var event = createAddItemTargetEvent("NoteList", {
2 "id": "1234",
3 "title": "My new note title",
4 "description": "To have an example item"
6fireEvent(event, "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then an existing item (identified by the id) replaced by the new value in the UI element.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createReplaceItemTargetEvent(target element id as String, new item value in form of Map<String, Object>)
1var event = createReplaceItemTargetEvent("NoteList", {
2 "id": "1234",
3 "title": "New value of the title",
4 "description": "New value of the description"
6fireEvent(event, "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the whole item set of the referred UI element is replaced by the items paramter (where the definition of an item is given in form of Map<String, Object>).
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createRefreshItemTargetEvent(target element id as String, new items as array of item definitions)
1var event = createRefreshItemTargetEvent("NoteList", [{
2 "id": "1",
3 "title": "Title of the item",
4 "description": "Description of the item"
5 },
6 {
7 "id": "2",
8 "title": "Title of the second item",
9 "description": "Description of the second item"
10 }
12fireEvent(event, "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then an item is removed from the item set of the referred UI element.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createRemoveItemTargetEvent(target element id as String, item id as String)
1fireEvent(createRemoveItemTargetEvent("NoteList", "1"), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the value of the UI element is set to the given parameter value.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createValueChangeTargetEvent(target element id as String, appropriate item value as Object)
1fireEvent(createValueChangeTargetEvent("DescriptionInput", "New value of the text input"), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the error value ( e.g. validation error message) of the UI element is set to the given value.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createErrorValueChangeTargetEvent(target element id as String, error description as String)
1fireEvent(createErrorValueChangeTargetEvent("DescriptionInput", "The given value is too long, the maximum enabled lenght is 50."), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the UI element is set to enabled or disabled according to the given value.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createEnableChangeTargetEvent(target element id as String, is enabled as Boolean)
1fireEvent(createEnableChangeTargetEvent("DescriptionInput", true), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Target Event group, it results a Target Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the visibility of the referred UI element is set according to the given value. Valid visibility status values are: “visible”, “gone” and “invisible”, where:
Value |
Description |
visible |
The UI element is visible |
invisible |
The UI element is not visible, but he containing space is kept |
gone |
The UI element is not visible, and the containing space is not kept |
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createVisibilityChangeTargetEvent(target element id as String, visibility status as String)
1fireEvent(createVisibilityChangeTargetEvent("DescriptionInput", "gone"), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Source Event group, it results a Source Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the given trigger is bound to value change event of the UI element. The system adds an “on” prefix to the trigger name. In the example below a function with name onDescriptionInputChanged(originId) has to be implemented.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createValueChangeSourceEvent(target element id as String, trigger name to be bound as String)
1fireEvent(createValueChangeSourceEvent("DescriptionInput", "DescriptionInputChanged"), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Source Event group, it results a Source Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the given trigger is bound to selection change event of the UI element (where this event is available). The system adds an “on” prefix to the trigger name. In the example below a function with name onActivityYesNoOptionsInputSelectionChanged(originId) has to be implemented.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createSelectionChangeSourceEvent(target element id as String, trigger name to be bound as String)
1fireEvent(createSelectionChangeSourceEvent("ActivityYesNoOptionsInput", "ActivityYesNoOptionsInputSelectionChanged"), "NotesPage");
This function is in the Source Event group, it results a Source Event object in form of Map<String, Object> based on the given parameters. When this event is fired, then the given trigger is bound to selection clicked event of the UI element (where this event is available). The system adds an “on” prefix to the trigger name. In the example below a function with name onSaveOrderButtonClicked(originId) has to be implemented.
Function syntax
Map<String, Object> createClickSourceEvent(target element id as String, trigger name to be bound as String)
1fireEvent(createClickSourceEvent("SaveOrderButton", "SaveOrderButtonClicked"), "NotesPage");
Math functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of Math built-in functions. These functions are implementing basic math operations. The Scolvo Script uses two basic types for number values: BigInteger and BigDecimal. If any of the function params is given as BigDecimal then the result is given in BigDecimal format, otherwise the result is given as BigInteger.
This function returns the absolute value of the given number.
Function syntax
BigInteger abs(value as BigInteger)
BigDecimal abs(value as BigDecimal)
1var difference = abs(valueOfFirstCalculation - valueOfSecondCalculation);
This function returns a first parameter raised to the power of the number given in the second parameter. If any of the parameters is given as BigDecimal, then the result is also given as BigDecimal, otherwise it is given as BigInteger.
Function syntax
BigInteger or BigDecimal pow(base as BigInteger or BigDecimal, exponential as BigInteger or BigDecimal)
1var amount = 1000;
2var interestRate = 1.1;
3var termInYears = 3;
4var debt = amount * pow(interestRate, termInYears);
This function returns the minimum of the given values. If any of the parameters is given as BigDecimal, then the result is also given as BigDecimal, otherwise it is given as BigInteger.
Function syntax
BigInteger or BigDecimal min(first as BigInteger or BigDecimal, second as BigInteger or BigDecimal)
1var amount = 1000;
2var termInYears = 3;
3var bestCaseResult = min(calculateDebtOtpBank(amount, termInYears), calculateDebtKAndHBank(amount, termInYears));
This function returns the maximum of the given values. If any of the parameters is given as BigDecimal, then the result is also given as BigDecimal, otherwise it is given as BigInteger.
Function syntax
BigInteger or BigDecimal max(first as BigInteger or BigDecimal, second as BigInteger or BigDecimal)
1var amount = 1000;
2var termInYears = 3;
3var worstCaseResult = max(calculateDebtOtpBank(amount, termInYears), calculateDebtKAndHBank(amount, termInYears));
This function returns the correctly rounded positive square root of the given value.
Function syntax
BigDecimal sqrt(value as BigInteger or BigDecimal)
1var result = sqrt(2);
Logger functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of Logger built-in functions. These functions can be used to log information to the client’s log. Supported levels are: error, warn, info, debug, trace. All functions receive the message parameter as String and there is no return value.
This function logs an error to the client’s log.
Function syntax
void error(message as String)
1if (value == null) {
2 error("Unsupported value when performing save: " + value);
This function logs a warning to the client’s log.
Function syntax
void warn(message as String)
1if (value != null && value > 500) {
2 warn("The given value is too high: " + value);
3 doSomeCalculation(value);
This function logs an info level message to the client’s log.
Function syntax
void info(message as String)
1if (value != null) {
2 info("The given value is: " + value);
3 doSomeCalculation(value);
This function logs a debug level message to the client’s log.
Function syntax
void debug(message as String)
1if (value != null) {
2 debug("The given value is: " + value);
3 info("Performing some calculation ...");
4 doSomeCalculation(value);
This function logs a trace level message to the client’s log.
Function syntax
void trace(message as String)
1if (value != null) {
2 var tmpResult = doSomeCalculation(value);
3 trace("The result of the calculation is: " + tmpResult);
ReactiveX functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of so called ReactiveX functions working mainly in publish-subscribe manner. These functions can be used to send messages for other components. These components are specific components of the Clients.
This function broadcasts a message, and the subscribed components receive this message to handle. The message can be any kind of Object. This function is available for customization purposes, all known usage is implemented in specific built-in functions (the given example is supported by sendDataChange() built-in function).
Function syntax
void publish(message as Object)
1var dataChangeMsg = com.scolvo.core.vm.action.rq.DataChangeRq(uuid());
4dataChangeMsg.setChangeset([{"id": "1", "title": "actual title","description": "Actual description", "changeType": "INSERT"}]);
This function broadcast a TriggerScript object, where the trigger name is given in form of String. As a result the Interpreter executes the function with the given name. This function is available for customization purposes.
Function syntax
void trigger(trigger name as String)
This function fires an event given as Map<String, Object>.
Function syntax
void fireEvent(event map as Map<String, Object>, originId as String)
1 var event = createReplaceItemTargetEvent("NoteList", {
2 "id": "1234",
3 "title": "New value of the title",
4 "description": "New value of the description"
6fireEvent(event, "NotesPage");
This function displays a page (see Page element) on the UI. The function can be invoked with 3 and 4 parameters too.
Function syntax
void display(page as Page object, page data as Map<String, Object>, originId as String)
void display(page as Page object, page data as Map<String, Object>, originId as String, page actions as array of actions)
1if (pageActions == null) {
2 display(NotesPage, {}, originId);
3} else {
4 display(NotesPage, {}, originId, pageActions);
This function displays a fragment in a fragment container of the UI. The function can be invoked with 4 and 5 parameters too.
Function syntax
void displayFragment(fragment container name as String, fragment as Fragment object, fragment data as Map<String, Object>, originId as String)
void displayFragment(fragment container name as String, fragment as Fragment object, fragment data as Map<String, Object>, originId as String, fragment actions as array of actions)
1if (type == "note") {
2 displayFragment("DetailsFragmentContainer", NoteDetailsFragment, {}, originId);
3} else {
4 displayFragment("DetailsFragmentContainer", ItemDetailsFragment, {}, originId, []);
This function closes a Page and removes it from page history.
Function syntax
void finishPage(page name as String, originId as String)
1 finishPage("NoteDetailsPage", originId);
QueryBuilder functions¶
This goup defines the syntax and definition of usages of QueryBuilder functionality working with client’s database. There are two kind of methods: chaining methods and termination methods. The chanining methods create or changes a QueryBuilder instance, the termination methods are using or mofifying the QueryBuilder (executes the query on the database or calculates something from the QueryBuilder object).
This function is a chanining function, it creates a QueryBuilder object with INSERT query type.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder insert()
1var insertUserQuery = insert().from("note");
2insertUserQuery.set("id", uuid());
3insertUserQuery.set("title", "New title");
4insertUserQuery.set("content", "New content");
When inserting to the database it is simpler to use insertTypeDefinition() built-in function.
This function is a chanining function, it creates a QueryBuilder object with insertOrReplace query type (REPLACE INTO database operation). It is usually used when client receives data change from Backend, where the originator can be the client itself. In this case an insert function can fail, but an insertOrReplace is successfull anyway.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder insertOrReplace()
1var userQuery = insertOrReplace().from("note");
2userQuery.set("id", "735cda84-330a-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003");
3userQuery.set("title", "New title");
4userQuery.set("content", "New content");
When executing insert-or-replace operation to the database it is simpler to use insertOrReplaceTypeDefinition() built-in function.
This function is a chanining function, it creates a QueryBuilder object with select query type (SELECT database operation with support of JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY and LIMIT). It is usually used when rows are selected from client database.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder select()
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .from("note")
3 .orderBy("title", "asc")
4 .execute();
This function is a chanining function, it creates a QueryBuilder object with select distinct query type (SELECT DISTINCT database operation with support of JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY and LIMIT). It is usually used when rows are selected from client database and we don’t want to have column value combination repeated.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder selectDistinct()
1var noteDaos = selectDistinct()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "title")
3 .from("note")
4 .orderBy("title", "asc")
5 .execute();
This function is a chanining function, it creates a QueryBuilder object with update query type (UPDATE database operation). It is used when data has to be updated in the client database.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder update()
1var updateQuery = update().from("note");
2updateQuery.set("title", "New title with change");
3updateQuery.set("content", "Content change");
4updateQuery.where(eq("id", "735cda84-330a-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003"));
When executing update operation to the database it is easier to use updateTypeDefinition() built-in function.
This function is a chanining function, it creates a QueryBuilder object with delete query type (DELETE database operation). It is used when data has to be removed from the client database.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder delete()
1var deleteQuery = delete().from("note");
2deleteQuery.where(eq("id", "735cda84-330a-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003"));
When executing delete operation it is easier to use deleteTypeDefinition() built-in function.
from() chaining function¶
This function is a chanining function, it adds the table name to the QueryBuilder.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder <query-builder-instance>.from(tableName or select defining a table)
1var deleteQuery = delete().from("note");
2deleteQuery.where(eq("id", "735cda84-330a-11ec-8d3d-0242ac130003"));
fromAs() chaining function¶
This function is a chanining function, it adds the table name with specific name (as) to the QueryBuilder.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder <query-builder-instance>.fromAs(tableName or select defining a table, name in query)
1var noteDaos = selectDistinct()
2 .selectAs("noteTitles.title", "title")
3 .fromAs("note", "noteTitles")
4 .orderBy("title", "asc")
5 .execute();
select(columns) chaining function¶
This function is a chanining function, it adds columns to the column list of the QueryBuilder.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder <query-builder-instance>.select(<columns>)
Where columns is one or more column name.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .select("noteTitles.title", "noteTitles.content")
3 .from("note")
4 .orderBy("title", "asc")
5 .execute();
selectAs(column) chaining function¶
This function is a chanining function, it adds a column to the column list of the QueryBuilder.
Function syntax
QueryBuilder <query-builder-instance>.selectAs(columnName)
QueryBuilder <query-builder-instance>.selectAs(columnName, aliasName)
Where column is a String, and if aliasName is given, then the column is added with alias.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
5 .execute();
table(tableName) function¶
This function creates a Table oject with name and optionally with alias, the toString() function creates the “tableName” or “tableName alias” String.
Function syntax
Table table(tableName)
Table table(tableName, alias)
Where tableName is a String, and if aliasName is given, then Table is created with the given alias.
1var noteTable = table("note");
and() function¶
This function creates a logical AND criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria and(criterion …)
Where Criterion can be any criterion (e.g.: eq(), lt(), gt(), like(), between, custom(), etc. …), and there can be two or more criterion defined.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(and(eq("", "1234"), like("note.title", "%my%")))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
or() function¶
This function creates a logical OR criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria or(criterion …)
Where Criterion can be any criterion (e.g.: eq(), lt(), gt(), like(), between, custom(), etc. …), and there can be two or more criterion defined.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(or(eq("", "1234"), eq("", "4321")))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
not() function¶
This function creates a logical NOT criteria with the given parameter what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria not(criteria)
Where the given Critera can be any criteria (e.g.: eq(), lt(), gt(), like(), between, custom(), etc. …).
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(not(eq("", "1234")))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
eq() function¶
This function creates an equals criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria eq(columnName, columnValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and columnValue is given as Object. The null columnValue is transformed to “NULL” literal.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(eq("", "1234"))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
notEq() function¶
This function creates a not equals criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria notEq(columnName, columnValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and columnValue is given as Object. The null columnValue is transformed to “NULL” literal.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(notEq("", null))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
gt() function¶
This function creates a greater than (‘>’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria gt(columnName, numberValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and numberValue is given as number.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(gt("note.createdAt", 1635843760000))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
gEq() function¶
This function creates a greater than or equals (‘>=’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria gEq(columnName, numberValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and numberValue is given as number.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(gEq("note.createdAt", 1635843760000))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
lt() function¶
This function creates a less than (‘<’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria lt(columnName, numberValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and numberValue is given as number.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(lt("note.createdAt", 1635843760000))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
lEq() function¶
This function creates a less than or equals (‘<=’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria lEq(columnName, numberValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and numberValue is given as number.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(lEq("note.createdAt", 1635843760000))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
like() function¶
This function creates a like (‘LIKE’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria like(columnName, columnValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and columnValue is given as Object.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(like("note.title", "%my%"))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
notLike() function¶
This function creates a not like (‘NOT LIKE’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria notLike(columnName, columnValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and columnValue is given as Object.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(notLike("note.title", "%excluded%"))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
in() function¶
This function creates an in (‘IN’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria in(columnName, inValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and inValue is given as Object and later converted to String.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(in("note.title", "('My title1', 'My title2')"))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
notIn() function¶
This function creates a not in (‘NOT IN’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria notIn(columnName, inValue)
Where the given columnName can be any String and inValue is given as Object and later converted to String.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(notIn("note.title", "('excluded1', 'excluded2')"))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
between() function¶
This function creates a between (‘BETWEEN’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria between(columnName, columnValue1, columnValue2)
Where the given columnName can be any String and columnValue1 and columnValue2 are given as Objects.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(between("note.createdAt", 1635843460000, 1635843760000))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
notBetween() function¶
This function creates a not between (‘NOT BETWEEN’) criteria with the given parameters what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria notBetween(columnName, columnValue1, columnValue2)
Where the given columnName can be any String and columnValue1 and columnValue2 are given as Objects.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(notBetween("note.createdAt", 1635843460000, 1635843760000))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();
custom() function¶
This function creates a custom criteria with the given parameter what can be used in other QueryBuilder functions.
Function syntax
Criteria custom(customExpression)
Where the given customExpression is given as String.
1var noteDaos = select()
2 .selectAs("note.title", "noteName")
3 .from("note")
4 .where(custom("note.createdAt > 1635843460000 AND note.createdAt < 1635843760000"))
5 .orderBy("noteName", "asc")
6 .execute();